21 July 2009

Congressional Democrats: Despite our majorities in Congress, failure to enact our agenda will be the GOP's fault...(UPDATED)

...let's cross our fingers and hope the electorate buys our excuse this time...

The 103rd Congress and the 111th Congress are similar. Both are in the first terms of a Democratic president, and both are considering major healthcare bills designed to overhaul the system. Both congresses had enough Democratic votes in each house to enact any legislative agenda Billy Jeff and Barack Obama imagined. Even though all these are true, of both congresses, the minority party in each, is being blamed for much of the ambitious Democratic agenda stalling. The only difference between the current Congress and the one who met from 1993-1994, is the Democratic majority in the US Senate is now larger, by four seats. It makes no sense for liberals and Democrats to blame Republicans and conservatives for their failures, there must be something more sinister afoot...and I believe it lies in the insecurities Democrats in Congress have about the effects this so-called overhaul will have on future generations.

It has been a tactic used by Democrats since the 110th Congress, when they too had the majority, but blamed their failures on their so-called inability to outshine the then "Dumbass-in-Chief." I had said in the runup to the Election of 2006, that Democrats are better at bitching and whining than they are about actual governing, and the four years they will be in the majority, if the Election of 2010 changes the party structure, and even if it doesn't, what has happened in DC has borne that out. What this president doesn't understand, is that this isn't something he can read in his training manual, "Being President for Dummies." He can't credibly blame his failures to enact his agenda on Republicans. It doesn't matter if his political opposition has a plan or not, (I don't recall any Democrats having alternatives to combat Chimpy McBushitlerton's policy initiatives on national security, other than whining about protecting the rights of criminals) the bill as written has too many problems and as more sunshine is shone on it, public support continues to decline. There was no need for him to preach to the choir in a conference call yesterday...

The problem with HillaryCare lay in the former First Lady's arrogance. She refused to accept compromise and wise counsel from those in the business. Obama, in his adamant effort to not repeat the demise of HillaryCare, is doing the same thing. Unlike Clinton, Obama is doing way more to ensure this bill does as much damage as possible. By calling on the shock troops at the DailyKos, MyDD, and Crooks and Liars, it shows he's not open for compromise and is also putting the future of his party's majority in serious jeopardy. Many of the congressmen and Senators in the 111th ran as all things conservative, and it will pose a great risk to those up for reelection, like Byron Dorgan (D-ND), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), and Michael Bennet (D-CO). Like Porkulus, which was designed to "jumpstart the economy," ObamaCare will do nothing to shore up healthcare deficits and like the Massachussetts model it is based upon, it will bust at the seams due to its inability to control costs.

While perusing for another article, I came across this one from Geveryl Robinson, who was listening to a talk radio program that was discussing the healthcare given on Indian reservations. Fuck the healthcare systems in nations like Canada, Sweden, or the UK! Let us focus on what type of government care the American Indian receives on reservations, which is a total disaster. The American Indian mortality rate from diseases like tuberculosis, alcoholism, diabetes, and suicide are drastically higher than the rates of other Amuricans. And ObamaCare advocates insist that THIS is a better alternative to our current healthcare system?

So my question is, if ObamaCare passes, where will the Candians go for their healthcare?

Have a great day...

UPDATE 0958, 21072009: Well, so much for compromise...I guess, The Hill reports that Dear Leader plans to veto any semblance of a healthcare plan similar to the one McCain offered on the campaign trail, even though the Obama Administration is mulling the same idea...

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