15 July 2009

Pro-Sotomayorites: Did you know Jeff Sessions asked different questions to Sam Alito?

...that just shows how racist he is...

It seems the folks over at Crooks and Liars take issue with the Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee forcing "So So" to backtrack on her "wise Latina" remarks. This is why I wanted the GOP members to disregard the "advice" of Hispanic "rights" groups and go after Sotomayor on her weird applications of the law, since liberals will view them as racists anyway (Didn't the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee, most notably Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), praise the GOP for not being nasty towards Sonia?). Media Matters (not to them) complained that Senator Sessions stated in his opening remarks that he, nor any other senator, should vote for a judge's elevation to the Supreme Court based on personal experience, and noted his vote for Associate Justice Sam Alito. The moral equivalency game being played by liberals on this issue is not surprising, considering how they didn't think it was out of line to search the video rentals of a certain Supreme Court nominee.

I should dive further in what I said about Sam Alito's personal experience comment. Unlike Sotomayor, who believes that her Latinaness gives her more insight than Sam Alito would, Alito stated that his ethnic background would help him make decisions, not that because he's an Italian-American that he somehow has more experience than Anthony Kennedy or John Paul Stevens, who have more judicial experience than both of them combined. Crooks and Liars attempts to take Rush Limbaugh to the woodshed for suggesting Judge "So So's" remarks were worse than what former Virginia senator, George Allen, uttered about S. R. Sidharth during the campaign of 2006 (I would also like to note that C & L had no mention of the anti-Semitic and other objectifying materials coming from Allen's opponent in that race, James Webb). I am not understanding John Amato's rationale here. Macaca didn't have any meaning until liberals decided that the wealthy was a new protected class in Amurica. Furthermore, when liberals and the media (redundant, I know) declared it racist, they then used it to marginalize Allen for being Jewish (I do recall several times, former Air America host, Mark Riley, and other liberals referring to George Allen as "Macacawitz," so maybe it wasn't THAT racist at all...). I wonder if John Amato noticed he used the same offensive word in describing Allen...oh the horror!

Of course, this is yet another episode of the methods we've become all too familiar with coming from Obamabots. Only this time, covering up for his failures and incompetence isn't only coming from his right, it's coming from the left as well. Michael Seidman, a law professor at the University of Georgetown, believes that Sotomayor is either a perjurer or dumber than Keith Olbermann (I made that last part up). None of the liberal apologists have noted that if Sotomayor's words were so fucking innocent, she wouldn't have backpedaled from them. They haven't taken note that if Sonia did not believe that her race makes her more qualified than a contemporary white man, she wouldn't have repeated the same assertion over seven times throughout her judicial career. Her attempt to play off retired Justice O'Connor is an excuse to cover for her racist views. Justice O'Connor commented that a woman or man should come to a similar conclusion, if they applied the law, while Sotomayor believed her Latinaness would allow her to reach a better result.

Liberals can try to fool people into believing that Republicans and others who have reservations about Sotomayor's jurisprudence is racist. Some will be fooled, but those who aren't know that Sonia was lacking in candor, and engaged in a little intellectual dishonesty during her confirmation hearings. Liberals believe that minorities groups are monolithic, that they all vote with one voice. They're like the moderate voter, who must be treated like a crystal flower. Only one wrong move will turn off these minority voters once and for all, as Craig Crawford explains. This bigoted thinking helps to explain why liberals have so much contempt for minority conservatives...

But it's foolish, at least according to liberals, to think that any liberal could BE racist when the evidence is staring them in the face...

Have a great day...

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