14 July 2009

Liberals: Advocating the murder of public officials is wrong...

...we've reached an epiphany since our guy was elected to the White House...

Jason Mattera, the cute spokesman of the Young America's Foundation, has made a few new friends on the blue blogosphere for posting on his Facebook page a thought about when Sonia gets confirmed to the Supreme Court, whether she'll have a tendency to shank fellow Justice Antonin Scalia. He admitted that he was mocking liberal's beliefs that Sotomayor's life gives her an insight into jurisprudence that seems to escape the white members, and the lone black on the bench. Liberals at Think Progress twirled like Diana Prince and became the Race Police, attacking Mattera for not serving in the military. This would not be laughable if most of the Democratic party voted for the military veteran over someone who thought military service was an anathema to the best interests of the United States...but they didn't. In fact, liberals view military service as a credible qualification, much like Bill Clinton's policy stances...whatever way the political winds were blowing.

Another person the Race Police must tackle with their Lasso of Diversity Training, is Debbie Schlussel, who refers to Sonia Sotomayor as "Justice J-Lo" and "So So." Don't ask me how that's racist, 'cause I dunno. Last I checked, the real J-Lo is a very attractive woman, and the pro-Sotomayor crowd should thank Schlussel for paying a less deserving woman such a high compliment, instead of projecting their own racist views on others. It shows that like his cabinet nominees, Obama can't vet his appointments to the US Supreme Court. Liberals know if a Republican president nominated someone with the record of Sotomayor, there'd be protesting in the streets. Hell, there was one Supreme Court nominee whose jurisprudence outshined So So's on every level, and he went down in defeat in 1987, with a vote of 42-58, with Snarlin' Arlen Specter (then R-PA) and that paragon of women's rights (*snicker*), Bob Packwood (R-OR), opposing.

This new epiphany that liberals have reached is remarkable and appreciated (/sarc). It's nice that they oppose killing public officials who disagree with them. It's also nice that liberals oppose promoting someone solely based on race, but did liberals have to destroy the careers of successful minorities along the way? During Senator Feinstein's Q & A with Sotomayor, she got all pissed off because Miguel Estrada's name reemerged in the debate. She claimed that Estrada would not answer questions, which is the same thing her union bosses said, and he was not as qualified as their dear Sonia. Senator Feinstein forgot to mention the hurdles they placed in front of Estrada, subjecting him to treatment no other federal court nominee had to face. According to an article written by Byron York in 2003, Democrats refused to send questions to the White House for the nominee to answer. They didn't want Estrada to answer any questions, but they also had nothing to hammer him about...

Estrada wasn't good at the Democrats' game of gotcha...

So Democrats shouldn't act like historical revisionists and paint the Republicans as racists against Sotomayor. The silence of Hispanic "rights" groups about the Democrats' treatment of Estrada is galling, and they should be ashamed. Perhaps it was as then-Congressman Robert Menendez (D-NJ) claimed, Estrada wasn't Latino enough, which is what blacks said about Clarence Thomas. So, if Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee are going to be called racists, no matter how carefully they ask questions, they should make the best of it.

That's just my thoughts...

Have a great day...

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