...and frankly, we don't either...
The more I hear liberals whine about Republicans' alleged gumming up the otherwise well oiled Obama legislative machine, the more I feel justified in my belief that liberals are expressing frustration at congressional Democrats who have been unable to agree one with another on whose healthcare coverage needs to be screwed first. Obama has gone after Republican strawmen, yet again, claiming that they are happy with the "status quo" (even though no Republican has...) and how his plan will not increase the deficit, but rather yield a savings that could be squandered on other pet projects...like Porkulus II (I made Porkulus II up...). Something just didn't sound right to me, because there was a disconnect between the rhetoric emanating from the White House and what the rest of us read in HR 3200, otherwise known as the Obama becomes your doctor bill. Come to find out, our Dear Leader has frankly no clue what's in ObamaCare...and he's supposed to be the most intelligent president EVUH, at least that's what they tell me...
Perhaps Obama isn't aware that we are in a recession, which is surprising since he continues to use that line as an excuse to blow up the deficit. The electorate wants results, and with Porkulus I not showing any visible signs of working, they're not too keen on giving Obamessiah the green light on overhauling a system that frankly doesn't need it. Sure, our healthcare system isn't without problems, but there is a reason why those in Canada or other parts of the country venture to the US for its healthcare. It's because it's second to none. Howard Fineman writes in Obamaweek, that the "plan" was supposed to change the way people regard healthcare, to improve it and to cut costs. We're waiting to see whether anything coming from HR 3200, or any of its relatives, will do that.
Rushing Congress to pass a shitty bill may be fine and dandy for Obamessiah and Democrats, but it won't sit well with the number of families who will be affected by the craptastic bill. The goal isn't to ensure Amuricans acquire and maintain healthcare coverage, the goal is to make sure Obamessiah fulfills a campaign promise, before his dwindling political capital runs out...no matter what the costs. I ask, "who's playing politics?" It would be hard to argue that Republicans are engaging in such, when the president is demanding Congress stop debate and give him a bill to sign before their August recess. As Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) said, the first time the president uttered the word "crisis," we were handed a $787B piece of shit that no congressman read, and to date, hasn't been spent wisely...and wasn't crafted with the president's assurances in mind, that it be used to "jumpstart the economy." So Obama's a liar when he attempts to blast Senator DeMint by claiming that this bill isn't about him. It is definitely about the O.
What Democrats and Obama, like their lapdogs in the blue blogosphere, don't seem to understand is that most Amuricans view their current coverage with satisfaction. As they were in the HillaryCare debates, they are concerned that ObamaCare will degrade their current coverage. Resistance to healthcare overhaul works, and Republicans are in a good position, because a majority of the electorate is beginning to sour on ObamaCare. Democrats are feeling the heat as well, which explains why committee votes on it continue to be postphoned. There is nothing wrong with Congress taking time to craft a better bill, that benefits all people, instead of Democratic donors and the unions.
Have a great day...
21 July 2009
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