Mike Stark is back. In case you don't remember who Mr. Stark is, he's the guy who went on a tirade against Melanie Morgan's radio show on KSFO in San Francisco after an unknown started sending her sponsors edited clips of her radio show, designed to make it appear that Melanie and her cohost, were hateful. The idea was an attempt to shut down conservative talk radio after the Democrats took the majority on Capitol Hill in the aftermath of the Election of 2006. Dan Riehl, of Riehl World View, decided to take on Mr. Stark in a debate, of sorts, on Howard Kurtz' CNN show, Reliable Sources. If your memory's still a little fuzzy, Mike Stark is also the guy who asked then-Senator George Allen if he "spat on his wife," and was the guy holding the sign, "Hannity Sucks Ass," behind Alan Colmes, who was acknowledging Joe Lieberman's defeat in the 2006 Connecticut Democratic senatorial primary. Needless to say, the debate wasn't a good idea for Mr. Stark...
The new mission of both Democrats and liberals, like Stark, is to embarrass the GOP by offering a resolution commemorating the 50th anniversary of Hawaii's statehood. The resolution states that Hawaii is the birthplace of the 44th president, which is a challenge to the GOP to either support the Birther movement or oppose celebrating Hawaii's statehood. Stark has appeared in front of at least three Republican legislators asking them if Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. The Republican lawmakers, seeing the looming "gotcha" moment, either run or filibuster. The time wasting resolution passed, but that didn't stop liberals from bitching about Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann's desire to stop it by saying a quorum wasn't present.
But OH how times have changed...
Let us set the WayBack Machine for September 2007, where we are in the aftermath of the MoveOn.org's heavily discounted ad, "General Petraeus or Betray Us." The
In another episode of in the OHTHC theme, is how more credulous one group of conspiracy theorists are than another, according to the media. A few years after 9/11, a fringe group became convinced that President Bush engineered the World Trade Center attacks, in fact a poll released in 2007 said that between 61% of Democrats wouldn't rule out the idea that Bush either knew in advance about the attacks, or that he pressed the demolition button himself. Noted metallurgist Rosie O'Donnell proudly claimed on The Spew that 9/11 marked the first time fire melted steel. They were treated in the media, as responsible citizens, who had moral authority to question their government. The Birthers, on the other hand, are treated with scorn, and dismissed as kooks on the lunatic fringe of the rightwingnutosphere. Now, I have no use for any conspiracy theory, no matter what side of the political spectrum they are born. But if one group of conspiracy theorists are going to be treated with scorn, they all should.
Have a great day...
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