13 August 2009

Jon Taplin: Limbaugh and Beck may not know much about history...

...but I don't know much about anything else...

In the liberal mind, we're supposed to believe everytime they protest against some agenda, we're supposed to applaud them for their spontaneity. We were reminded throughout the Bush Years how everyday men and women were protesting the powergrab of the Bush Administration, but were supposed to ignore the Wizard behind the curtain funding all the protests. A recurring theme in liberal circles is the idea that granny and gramps protesting provisions in ObamaCare that limit their choices in advance care planning, are under a "Vulcan Mind Meld" instituted by talk radio titan, Rush Limbaugh, and Fox News personality, Glenn Beck. I had hoped liberals had learned not to attack Limbaugh, since Obama's numbers continue to fall despite them trying to tie Rush to the GOP, but it would be out of character for liberals to learn important lessons such as that.

Jon Taplin, at the liberal blog Talking Points Memo, goes after Limbaugh and Beck for their alleged "puerile" understanding of history. Taplin claims that National Socialism and socialism are not the same thing, and that Limbaugh and Beck should have attended more history lessons, instead of boozing. Taplin cites a passage from Richard Evans' The Coming of the Third Reich that the Nazis were indifferent to the inequalities of society and sought to remake German character by using the radio, and bitches that these hosts use call screeners to maintain the "echo chamber." That would be a clever assertion, except that all talk radio shows, right and left, use call screeners (Thank you, come again).

Both fascism and socialism are similar in the idea of spreading equality from the greatest to the least, and all must serve the almighty state. One of the symbols from Mussolini's Italy shows a fasces, a bundle of rods tied around a cylinder, which also included an axe, with the bundle showing how the people are one in support of the state. Nazism is similar to fascism in believing that democracy and capitalism were failures. Both Mussolini and Hitler wanted all the state to serve them, as they were authoritarian. Hardly different from what Obama and Democrats demand of the electorate today, by projecting their feelings about themselves on protesters to their agenda. In fact today, my friend Zandar, decided to post an article by Sara Robinson, of AlterNet, which has the gall to say the rise of the Birthers/"Teabaggers"/"Healthers" is indicative of the rise of the fascism phoenix or something.

One of the ways Sara calls on people to slay the Fascism Phoenix is to "shut down the hate talkers," which in laymans terms means, write letters to CEOs with edited clips of audio the person objects to in the hopes the CEO will pull their advertising, like Spocko did to Melanie Morgan. She also insists the "teabaggers must not win" the debate, because she views their protests as bullying (something tells me she didn't view the antics of liberals during the Bush years the same way...). It doesn't take Robinson long to invoke the "Conservatives = Nazi" card, which was off-limits when used on Obama, while calling on her readers to engage in civil debate. The problem, as I see it, is that Obama and Democrats expected no resistance to their agenda, and as they were when McCain announced Palin as his running mate, they were caught flat-footed...they don't like it one bit. As she's encouraging her readers to shut down the debate on ObamaCare, I call on mine to keep the pressure on legislators to explain why this is the best plan to reform our healthcare system, especially since the Congresscritters don't want any part of it.

Oh yeah...now Media Matters (when?) is up in arms about companies supporting Beck, Limbaugh, and Dobbs, while pulling their support from Err America Radio (Apparently in their search for so-called "hate-speech" from talk radio, they never bothered to tune in to Err America Radio. Do they not remember the good ole days of Randi Rhodes advocating the shooting of President Bush, or how Mike Malloy hoped conservatives offed themselves on live TV? Guess not...).

Our cause, opposing ObamaCare and his wrongheaded agenda, is just...don't let the intimidation by leftists force you to give up the fight in holding him and our legislators accountable...

Have a great day...

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