20 May 2009

The man's been in office for 4 months...

...and THIS is what people are talking about?

Every issue of Ebony magazine has to include a story on how transformational the election of the nation's first black president is. From talking about how Michelle Obama is the grooviest first lady, since Jackie-O, to drooling at how he wears sunglasses, it seems a plurality of blacks believe they can do no wrong. Tobias Elmore, a YouTube personality who's been featured with The Young Turks, shows his ignorance of not only why minority conservatives exist. He derides RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, for wanting the GOP to be more palatable for younger voters, who are all to often duped into believing that the Democratic party has their best interests in mind.

I read Bernard Goldberg's Bias not too long ago and I understand why liberals in the media (I know, redundant) believe that conservative opinions are out of the norm. Most of them do not associate with people who don't hold their worldviews. Goldberg talks about the 1972 election, which was a landslide for former President Nixon, that many in the CBS newsroom were appalled at the results of the election because they didn't know anyone who voted for Nixon. The media works overtime to portray conservative opinions as out of the mainstream, and does a great disservice to people who rely on "objective journalists" to give them the news straight. Mr. Elmore is right in one aspect, that when people think "Republican" or "conservative," they see John McCain, Bob Dole, Richard Cheney, and George W. Bush. Michael Steele was talking about changing the face of the GOP, and show how most people, if given the opportunity, would reject most, if not all, of the twisted logic of progressivism and the Democratic Party...not about having House Minority Leader John Boehner sporting the Lil Wayne look (what a dumbass...).

Perusing through a few articles on EbonyJet.com, I found one that made me wonder if there were children running the editorial board at the long-running magazine. In it, the writer talks about how people are referring to President Obama. Leaving aside the difficulty liberals had in pronouncing a simple four letter word like "Bush," is this really the most important thing Del Waters could focus on? I am sure you remember the brouhaha former President Bush caused when he referred to his opposition party as "the Democrat Party." All of a sudden, these same group of people who had great difficulty pronouncing simple four letter words, became apopletic and proclaimed that once and for all, the then-president was not concerned about bi-partisanship. Our national deficit is becoming more burdensome by the second, Russia is attempting to recreate the USSR, and Iran is testing missiles...none of this upsets Ms. Waters, but referring to the president as "dude" or "Obama," instead of Obambi or Neophyte or Pantywaist...more accurate names, if you ask me, is cause for concern.

Methinks she's got her priorities all screwed up...

Have a great day...

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