I wonder if Keith Olbermann will demand the resignation of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with as much vigor when he demanded the same for former President Bush and Vice President Cheney. Something tells me that since Obamessiah is standing by her, Olbyloon will attempt to cover for her until Obambi throws her under the bus. It's clear that San Fran Nan felt, like many Democrats, that the Old Media will be able to successfully deflect criticism of their statements, in light of the New Media. It's kinda crazy that Democrats laud the internet and how it turns out more voters for them, but want to regulate it when they're reminded of their lies. Of course, it was a bad week for Speaker Mimi, but like the President, scapegoating your problems on the former president only goes so far and is indicative of bad governing. Hell, with all the groups on Facebook saying how happy they are that Bush is out of office, I'm surprised they they've suddenly found love for the man.
A top story on Meltdown with Keith Olbermann (which is below) surrounded an allegation by reknown storyteller, Sy Hersh, claiming that the Bushites had a secret assassination ring that targetted high level government officials. For some reason, it did not dawn on the conspiracy theorists that the US Government is prohibited, by Executive Order 12333, to engage in assassination. Now, that his feet are on the fire, Hersh is backpedaling faster than Olberdouche at the sighting of Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, or Michelle Malkin...three of the hottest women on the Right.
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I know we shouldn't lend much credence to Clintonistas, but Paul Begala recently posted on the Huff 'n Puff that Bush/Cheney style foreign policy did not keep us safe, attempting to shut off any criticism of Obama's attempts to get people killed. There's no need to remind people that what occurred on 11 September 2001, was a plot that had been in the works for years, as liberals like to remind us...when we talk about how there was no attack on US soil since 9/11. Begala talks about how
Liberals want to have this thing both ways. On the one hand, they want to punish the Bushites for having a political view that differs from theirs. They believe splashing water on the face of potential terrorists is torture, so it's torture. They believe that racial profiling at airports is racist, so it's racist. Talking tough to nations who support terror is fearmongering, so it's fearmongering. However, on the other hand, they don't want the targets of their accusations to refute what liberals believe as truth. It's funny how liberals always look for what they view as conservative or Republican missteps, but become quiet as church mice when the sitting US Vice President discloses the whereabouts of "Cheney's underground bunker..." Seems the Obamists need to not only provide cover for President Pantywaist, but for Vice President Gaffe-tastic as well...
Have a great day...
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