...I, Dr. Asten, think the "gay rights" movement may have something to say about that...
Mr. McEntee is the President of AFSCME, the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. He, like many in the electorate, believe that Dr. Princess Neophyte will stay true to his word and revamp the US healthcare system, making it free for everyone (except him and his family, of course...). There is a plurality in the electorate that are calling on healthcare reform, but they are worried that they may have to pay an exorbitant amount of taxes to pay for it. Both Barney Frank and President Hopey McChangerson have said that they believe single-payer options work well in other countries, and express difficulty in understanding why it hasn't been implemented in the United States yet.
We all know the proverb, "the grass isn't always greener on the other side." While "universal-healthcare" may sound like a viable alternative to our current system (I mean, who can oppose extending healthcare to people less fortunate?), there are many problems that comes along with government-run healthcare that need to be considered. One that stands out is the fact that in countries with centralized government control of healthcare, the care is often rationed, long waiting lists, and other restrictions. The Democrats healthcare plan apparently ignores all these pitfalls and mandates every Amurican get health insurance, pay a fine, or spend some time in the pokey. The Cato Institute argues that universal healthcare coverage is impossible without coercion.
Those who oppose ObamaCare are derided as being content with the status quo. I don't believe I can name anyone who is completely happy with "status quo," but if we all adhere to Obama and the Democrats' healthcare initiatives, by 2019, only 16 Million people will benefit, but at the same time, the insurance premiums will skyrocket. Left out of supporters of ObamaCare's arguments is their dishonesty on the "public option," which is essentially a new insurance company completely run by the government. The idea is based the Progressive Insurance's concept of offering premiums of competing insurance companies and allowing a customer to choose which company they'd like to represent them. Defenders of the "public option" claim this will keep private insurance companies "honest." I thought that debate was settled in the aftermath of the Grant Administration...they did it without making the government a competitor against private industry. Some Obama sycophants have declared that if the "public option" is not included in the ObamaCare bill, Obama will lose support, if not go down in defeat in his reelection bid...and that's the moonbat opinion.
There are several alternatives to reform our healthcare system without crowding out private insurers, by making the government a competitor. Instead of calling this a "crisis," and demand we act NOW, he should consider Republican and conservative initiatives to aid him in keeping the promise he made to the electorate, in allowing them to maintain their current coverage if they like. We barely could not afford Porkulus, and I highly doubt we'll be able to afford the new healthcare entitlement he and Democrats are attempting to ramrod down our throats.
Notice the incongruence here, quick and decisive action on condemning Bushitler's foreign policy, condemning "atrocies" committed by Israel, expanding government entitlements by forcing us to experience the same problems other countries have with single-payer systems...but takes a "wait and see" option in condemning actual oppressive tactics...
Have a great day...
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