...it's making the poor liberals upset...
As I am perusing the blogs on MySpace, I came across this little gem, where the blogger is upset that people haven't given President Oprompter a chance to "fix George Bush's wrongs." She's also upset at the fact that the Right has taken the top 10 spots on the "News and Politics" section. Now, I have said several times that leftie bloggers, who felt that former President Bush could do no right, are slowly coming to after being in an Obamotose state for about 5 months. There are a few that try to claim that the media created messiah needs time to enact his agenda, and we shouldn't have taken their notion that he was almighty, too seriously. The blogger apparently isn't aware of how other nations are also noting how much an empty suit the current president is, and I'm willing to bet that if you asked any Obama Kool-Aid drinker, why our "allies" and our enemies are now becoming one in the same during Opromter's tenure, they'd give you a look making you think they'd been hitting the pipe again.
Lies from the Left about the Right always must be taken care of. Liberals always lie about conservatives because they refuse to understand their points-of-view, unlike conservatives towards liberals. The new mantra coming from lefties is their belief that the Right was silent as Bush/Cheney cabal ran all over the US Constitution and destroyed civil liberties and reduced our moral standing in the world and violated countless laws...oh yeah, and the deficit. No one has been able to prove these alleged crimes, and if guilty, I seriously doubt any conservative would support them. The fact that many Democrats, who believe anyone taking a strong stand on national security is a de facto criminal, went along with these "crimes" tells me that many of those on the Left are just blowing smoke as usual. And speaking about the deficit, President Bush was on track to balance the budget by 2010, since spending had started to decrease in 2004, but the bailouts coupled with Oprompter's spending spree has shot that ALL to hell (what do libs say about that?).
The Left may bitch and moan about the methods the Bushites used after "9/11," and may point to a misinterpretation of an April 17, 2008 Government Accountability Office report to try and debunk the truth, but the fact of the matter is, one Abu Zubaydah, who had been waterboarded, gave the CIA enough intel to thwart several attacks that would have occurred in the wake of "9/11," not to mention the New York Subway threat in 2005, Richard Reid in 2002, etc. Even Media Matters tries, but fails to debunk the fact that Bush policy did, indeed, keep this nation safe. I did find it kinda hilarious that MMFA hinges its argument on a GAO report that only focuses on the tribal regions, something we knew was going to be problematic, because of the terrain, as their sole rationale that the entire Bush counter-terrorism strategy was a complete failure...oh, and that AQ leaders don't want to attack the US because of strategery reasons. Does MM think that could be due to Bush's counter-terrorism strategy? Nah, they don't want to give him too much credit...
For all their bitching about being the president's lapdog, I would have thought that these same preachers would be careful about falling for the wiles they'd warn us about. They could take a lesson from the Right on this, instead of demonizing them so much. Former President Bush and the Right have had their disagreements, as had been noted by objective viewers, but the Left would have the populace believe that the Right laid down as Bush ran all over their backside, kinda what President Oprompter is doing to them. Does anyone, besides me, remember the Great Illegal Immigration Debate of 2007 and Dubai Ports of 2006 and Harriet Miers of 2005? Those were at least three times where Bushie and the Right battled, but the Left, who is always been the champions of revisionism, would like for all the ignorant ones to forget that. People like Janie are believing that Oprompter is doing nothing wrong at this point in his presidency, but even some of those who agree with Janie politically, are having second thoughts about Oprompter's competence.
The Left would like for you not to notice how everything that Obamessiah said on the campaign trail had expiration dates, he gave the finger to our biggest ally, doesn't know who runs the Italian government, wants Russia to overcharge their relations with the US, relies on the TelePrompter more than any other modern president. Oh sure, they'll claim that all politicians lie, but they continue to ignore a central tenet of Obama's rise to the presidency...that he was a different type of candidate, one who would rise above the old and tired ways we used to do politics. The Left's fascination with the legacy of former President Bush is not what we need to focus on right now, the Left would be more credible if they would focus on the dangerous path Obama plans to take this country, and stop trying to make excuses for his incompetence by point the finger at Republicans.
Have a great day...
28 March 2009
26 March 2009
Hey, remember that tax cut we were promised?
...I knew we weren't gonna get it either...
Ok, raise your hands if you figured that with all the deficits that Obambi is creating with his prolifigate spending that the "tax cuts on 95% of working families" was like all his other promises on the campaign trail...they had an expiration date? Like former President Clinton, who also promised a middle class tax cut, Obama will have no other choice but to renege on his promise and take back that tax cut of $13 a week until the end of the year, to pay for his one man spending spree. I say after this, no other Democrat will be able to credibly express outrage at any Republican president who ended their terms with deficits. Democrats would also like for us to forget that tax cuts did aid in economic recovery after former President Carter left President Reagan a recession (I bet you thought that only Republicans left stuff for Democrats to clean up...). It is true that combined with an increase in domestic spending, Reagan's economic plan did very little to control the deficit. Former President Bush recently claimed that because of the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, that the nation enjoyed 52 months of economic growth, while Democrats were charging that these cuts did nothing to help the economy...
I continue to state that those who ardently defend Obama's policies, in light of his incompetence, by pointing at Republican use of filibusters or Rush Limbaugh, are embarrassed at the notion that they all got drunk on the "hopenchange" rhetoric and threw their common sense to the four winds. The New York Times would like to focus on the POTUS being seen around Washington, and applaud his willingness to indulge in ever changing priorities, as him being ambitious. Some of those who are sobering up from getting inebriated on the Obama Kool-Aid are realizing that through all the high-falutin' mantras, Obama's a mere lightweight (I do remember saying that a few times throughout the campaign). It's not just on economic policy where Obama's being seen as in over his head, his snubbery of our allies abroad is yet another indicator. h/t: Ann Coulter and Elisabeth Meinecke
The Obamedia yawns as this incompetence continues, and chooses instead to focus on the lie that all Republicans are doing is offering obstruction and nothing constructive to debates. Of course Republicans are offering alternatives, but the Democratic majority, instead, would like to remind them that "elections have consequences" and Democrats control the agenda. Beginning with the debate over Iraq, liberals charged that former President Bush had alienated our allies abroad, despite the fact he went to the UN before US forces were sent to Iraq, and due to UN obstruction, Bush formed a coalition of his own. They [Democrats] told us that when elected, they would repair the relations that were destroyed by the Bushites (they also promised to lower gas prices, but it was the lifting of the executive order by Bush and the global recession...). So far, this is the only promise that Obamessiah has kept, he has repaired them, to the point that we are the laughing stock we were under President Clinton.
Each time he has extended his hand under the misguided notion of "talking to our enemies," President Obama's been ridiculed, not only by conservatives, but by the very people he's trying to bring to our side. One would think that a man who is regarded as "brilliant" by his acolytes, he would understand that diplomacy doesn't work with people who are hellbent on destroying you. The incompetence shown by President Obama gives the GOP a great opportunity, and they should use it, if they want to continue to be electorally viable.
It's not enough for us to critique Obamessiah. We, like congressional Republicans, have to offer viable alternatives to those policies we believe are wrong. At least one campaign commercial idea has been created by Ace, at Ace of Spades HQ, conservatives must offer someone in the campaign of 2012, who can effectively articulate conservative policies and explain why liberalism has gotten us to the perilous state we are now. If we choose not to do this, then liberals will lie or project their beliefs about conservatives (I should mention, that unlike Glenn Greenwald's belief, there were ample conservatives who opposed Bush policy when they went against conservative core beliefs...perhaps Greenwald and liberals were too busy lying to notice).
Have a great day...
Ok, raise your hands if you figured that with all the deficits that Obambi is creating with his prolifigate spending that the "tax cuts on 95% of working families" was like all his other promises on the campaign trail...they had an expiration date? Like former President Clinton, who also promised a middle class tax cut, Obama will have no other choice but to renege on his promise and take back that tax cut of $13 a week until the end of the year, to pay for his one man spending spree. I say after this, no other Democrat will be able to credibly express outrage at any Republican president who ended their terms with deficits. Democrats would also like for us to forget that tax cuts did aid in economic recovery after former President Carter left President Reagan a recession (I bet you thought that only Republicans left stuff for Democrats to clean up...). It is true that combined with an increase in domestic spending, Reagan's economic plan did very little to control the deficit. Former President Bush recently claimed that because of the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, that the nation enjoyed 52 months of economic growth, while Democrats were charging that these cuts did nothing to help the economy...
I continue to state that those who ardently defend Obama's policies, in light of his incompetence, by pointing at Republican use of filibusters or Rush Limbaugh, are embarrassed at the notion that they all got drunk on the "hopenchange" rhetoric and threw their common sense to the four winds. The New York Times would like to focus on the POTUS being seen around Washington, and applaud his willingness to indulge in ever changing priorities, as him being ambitious. Some of those who are sobering up from getting inebriated on the Obama Kool-Aid are realizing that through all the high-falutin' mantras, Obama's a mere lightweight (I do remember saying that a few times throughout the campaign). It's not just on economic policy where Obama's being seen as in over his head, his snubbery of our allies abroad is yet another indicator. h/t: Ann Coulter and Elisabeth Meinecke
The Obamedia yawns as this incompetence continues, and chooses instead to focus on the lie that all Republicans are doing is offering obstruction and nothing constructive to debates. Of course Republicans are offering alternatives, but the Democratic majority, instead, would like to remind them that "elections have consequences" and Democrats control the agenda. Beginning with the debate over Iraq, liberals charged that former President Bush had alienated our allies abroad, despite the fact he went to the UN before US forces were sent to Iraq, and due to UN obstruction, Bush formed a coalition of his own. They [Democrats] told us that when elected, they would repair the relations that were destroyed by the Bushites (they also promised to lower gas prices, but it was the lifting of the executive order by Bush and the global recession...). So far, this is the only promise that Obamessiah has kept, he has repaired them, to the point that we are the laughing stock we were under President Clinton.
Each time he has extended his hand under the misguided notion of "talking to our enemies," President Obama's been ridiculed, not only by conservatives, but by the very people he's trying to bring to our side. One would think that a man who is regarded as "brilliant" by his acolytes, he would understand that diplomacy doesn't work with people who are hellbent on destroying you. The incompetence shown by President Obama gives the GOP a great opportunity, and they should use it, if they want to continue to be electorally viable.
It's not enough for us to critique Obamessiah. We, like congressional Republicans, have to offer viable alternatives to those policies we believe are wrong. At least one campaign commercial idea has been created by Ace, at Ace of Spades HQ, conservatives must offer someone in the campaign of 2012, who can effectively articulate conservative policies and explain why liberalism has gotten us to the perilous state we are now. If we choose not to do this, then liberals will lie or project their beliefs about conservatives (I should mention, that unlike Glenn Greenwald's belief, there were ample conservatives who opposed Bush policy when they went against conservative core beliefs...perhaps Greenwald and liberals were too busy lying to notice).
Have a great day...
economic incompetence,
tax cuts
It's time for the the All New Blame Game...
...and here's our host, President Barack Obama...
I forgot to tell you, that I am a huge fan of classic gameshows. YouTube has been very essential to feeding this habit.
There has to come a time when President Obama has to stop blaming former President Bush for this recession. He'd have more credibility on this issue if he was not involved in national government before he became president. Even though he spent the last year of his US Senate tenure campaigning, he did have time to support the bailouts that did lead us to the current economic situation. I'd have given him the benefit of the doubt in the first two months of his administration, but he passed the Porkulus, which increased the national deficit, even more than former President Bush did in eight years. And, according to numbers at the Heritage Foundation, Obamessiah's a fool if he believes that this massive spending increase will cut the deficit by the end of his first (and hopefully ONLY) term. It is now time to declare that this is Obama's economy now, and the time for blaming Bush ended the day Obambi took office.
Liberals made fun of the fact that several "conservatives," who expressed their outrage at a misinterpretation of Rush Limbaugh's desires for Obama's policies to fail, ran back to kiss Limbaugh's ring. It was as if Limbaugh was akin to kos and Soros for Democrats. One CNN reporter, Ed Henry, had the audacity to criticize Obamessiah for sticking it to future generations, by forcing them to find a way to pay for this expansion in entitlement spending. CNN's Ed Henry has later heeded the advice of his bosses atCNN DKos and decided to make nice with Obamessiah. Apparently, Mr. Henry was at the salad bar when we had the discussion that Obama cannot be asked the tough questions, since liberals have already declared that to be subtle racism. I see no need to ask the obvious question here, why no one in the Obamedia, offered any letters of apology to former President Bush, when they asked questions that catered to the rabid moonbats of the left-wing base, instead of being objective.
I mentioned in my very first post that several of Obama's cheerleaders are now seeing the crap sandwich that was his entire presidential campaign. Michelle Malkin has a post about the Associated (with terrorists) Press' revelation about the number of jobs that Porkulus was supposed to create (remember how the president jumped on Air Force One and flew to Columbus, OH to claim credit for creating 25 new slots for police officers? Only he failed to mention that those jobs were temporary). He's treating the media, that helped get him elected, worse than they dreamed Bush did, his efforts at being a diplomat are being laughed at by the "petro-dictators," many senior slots in his administration are still unfilled. We are seeing the wheels come off of Barry-O's train, (his bus is in good shape though) and Joe Conason still believes that Obama's policies are above criticism. Liberals howled at their talking point, that former President Bush was using the tragic events of 11 September 2001, to go after Saddam Hussein, but are turning a blind eye to Obama's use of the current economic crisis to push his disastrous social agenda down the throats of the electorate.
As my wise mother used to say, "boy, you can't spend yourself into prosperity," perhaps Obama should have asked my mother what her thoughts are in addressing this mess. I should make it clear that I am not opposed to spending. One must spend money to make money, but at some point, we must engage in a little bit of fiscal responsibility...a concept our dear, fearful leader has yet to learn.
Have a great day...
I forgot to tell you, that I am a huge fan of classic gameshows. YouTube has been very essential to feeding this habit.
There has to come a time when President Obama has to stop blaming former President Bush for this recession. He'd have more credibility on this issue if he was not involved in national government before he became president. Even though he spent the last year of his US Senate tenure campaigning, he did have time to support the bailouts that did lead us to the current economic situation. I'd have given him the benefit of the doubt in the first two months of his administration, but he passed the Porkulus, which increased the national deficit, even more than former President Bush did in eight years. And, according to numbers at the Heritage Foundation, Obamessiah's a fool if he believes that this massive spending increase will cut the deficit by the end of his first (and hopefully ONLY) term. It is now time to declare that this is Obama's economy now, and the time for blaming Bush ended the day Obambi took office.
Liberals made fun of the fact that several "conservatives," who expressed their outrage at a misinterpretation of Rush Limbaugh's desires for Obama's policies to fail, ran back to kiss Limbaugh's ring. It was as if Limbaugh was akin to kos and Soros for Democrats. One CNN reporter, Ed Henry, had the audacity to criticize Obamessiah for sticking it to future generations, by forcing them to find a way to pay for this expansion in entitlement spending. CNN's Ed Henry has later heeded the advice of his bosses at
I mentioned in my very first post that several of Obama's cheerleaders are now seeing the crap sandwich that was his entire presidential campaign. Michelle Malkin has a post about the Associated (with terrorists) Press' revelation about the number of jobs that Porkulus was supposed to create (remember how the president jumped on Air Force One and flew to Columbus, OH to claim credit for creating 25 new slots for police officers? Only he failed to mention that those jobs were temporary). He's treating the media, that helped get him elected, worse than they dreamed Bush did, his efforts at being a diplomat are being laughed at by the "petro-dictators," many senior slots in his administration are still unfilled. We are seeing the wheels come off of Barry-O's train, (his bus is in good shape though) and Joe Conason still believes that Obama's policies are above criticism. Liberals howled at their talking point, that former President Bush was using the tragic events of 11 September 2001, to go after Saddam Hussein, but are turning a blind eye to Obama's use of the current economic crisis to push his disastrous social agenda down the throats of the electorate.
As my wise mother used to say, "boy, you can't spend yourself into prosperity," perhaps Obama should have asked my mother what her thoughts are in addressing this mess. I should make it clear that I am not opposed to spending. One must spend money to make money, but at some point, we must engage in a little bit of fiscal responsibility...a concept our dear, fearful leader has yet to learn.
Have a great day...
blame game,
fiscal discipline,
First things first...
...I'm starting to like the place already...I hope you made it here safely
This is my first post on a site like this, I've been blogging on MySpace for three years, and I've loved every minute of it. I used to debate on social websites and I got tired of being interrupted and having my opinions twisted, to the point that I forgot exactly what I was talking about. As far as politics is concerned, which will be the primary focus of this blog, I lean centre-right. I believe in strong national security, smaller government, fiscal responsibility (even if I forget to practice it myself), and strive for equality for all law abiding citizens. I am anti-illegal immigration, I welcome immigrants, but they should abide by our laws and assimilate to our culture, not the other way around. I'm gay, but most of my opinions are outside of the opinions that many prominent "gay advocacy" groups hold.
I used to be a die-hard Democrat, I voted for Bill Clinton in the mock election at my high school, in 1996. I voted for Al Gore in the Election of 2000, and for Max Cleland in the Election of 2002. It wasn't until the Election of 2004, when my political winds began to shift and I saw that for all the ranting Democrats did in the name of "equality," none of their policies sought to achieve that goal. From where I stood, many Democratic platforms sought to divide, or demonize those who refused to buy-in to their wrongheaded agenda (you should check out their platform for the Election of 1868 when you get the chance). Then I learned that they were responsible for standing in the way of equality for blacks after the US Civil War, and even had the audacity to filibuster each and every opportunity that arose for blacks to attain it (Oh, and they were responsible for the founding of the Ku Klux Klan).
That's not to say that I decided to become a die-hard Republican, though many of my principles align with theirs. After seeing how former President Bush and Republicans, while they were in the majority, thumbed their nose at the base several times, I flatly stated that I was an independent. I did vote for McCain/Palin this past election, because I believe he was the better choice for the office than its current occupant. I'm no Nostradamus, or a Miss Cleo for that matter, but from what I'm seeing, many people are agreeing with me in that President Obama has no idea what he's doing and continues to want the populace to be enamored by his ability to read a teleprompter. Little does he know, being able to read is only part of the job of president, one has to also be able to lead and so far the only thing Barry-O's been able to lead is this nation further into the crapper.
For any new readers that may come, I read stories on the web and craft my thoughts. I often blog about why I believe the latest thing coming from Barry-O's piehole is wrong, or why Meghan McCain is better off showing why she's conservative or a "progressive Republican," rather than spending her energy catering to rabid liberal talk show hosts, who want to distract us from the fact that liberals are better at bitching and moaning, instead of governing. Though I disagree with many liberals, I have many friends who are, and I welcome even more in my circle. I encourage debate, not attacks. Hopefully, you can learn from me, and I from you. I'd like to welcome you again to my new home and I hope you keep coming back.
I end all my posts with the phrase "Have a great day..." and that is truly from the heart...
Have a great day!
This is my first post on a site like this, I've been blogging on MySpace for three years, and I've loved every minute of it. I used to debate on social websites and I got tired of being interrupted and having my opinions twisted, to the point that I forgot exactly what I was talking about. As far as politics is concerned, which will be the primary focus of this blog, I lean centre-right. I believe in strong national security, smaller government, fiscal responsibility (even if I forget to practice it myself), and strive for equality for all law abiding citizens. I am anti-illegal immigration, I welcome immigrants, but they should abide by our laws and assimilate to our culture, not the other way around. I'm gay, but most of my opinions are outside of the opinions that many prominent "gay advocacy" groups hold.
I used to be a die-hard Democrat, I voted for Bill Clinton in the mock election at my high school, in 1996. I voted for Al Gore in the Election of 2000, and for Max Cleland in the Election of 2002. It wasn't until the Election of 2004, when my political winds began to shift and I saw that for all the ranting Democrats did in the name of "equality," none of their policies sought to achieve that goal. From where I stood, many Democratic platforms sought to divide, or demonize those who refused to buy-in to their wrongheaded agenda (you should check out their platform for the Election of 1868 when you get the chance). Then I learned that they were responsible for standing in the way of equality for blacks after the US Civil War, and even had the audacity to filibuster each and every opportunity that arose for blacks to attain it (Oh, and they were responsible for the founding of the Ku Klux Klan).
That's not to say that I decided to become a die-hard Republican, though many of my principles align with theirs. After seeing how former President Bush and Republicans, while they were in the majority, thumbed their nose at the base several times, I flatly stated that I was an independent. I did vote for McCain/Palin this past election, because I believe he was the better choice for the office than its current occupant. I'm no Nostradamus, or a Miss Cleo for that matter, but from what I'm seeing, many people are agreeing with me in that President Obama has no idea what he's doing and continues to want the populace to be enamored by his ability to read a teleprompter. Little does he know, being able to read is only part of the job of president, one has to also be able to lead and so far the only thing Barry-O's been able to lead is this nation further into the crapper.
For any new readers that may come, I read stories on the web and craft my thoughts. I often blog about why I believe the latest thing coming from Barry-O's piehole is wrong, or why Meghan McCain is better off showing why she's conservative or a "progressive Republican," rather than spending her energy catering to rabid liberal talk show hosts, who want to distract us from the fact that liberals are better at bitching and moaning, instead of governing. Though I disagree with many liberals, I have many friends who are, and I welcome even more in my circle. I encourage debate, not attacks. Hopefully, you can learn from me, and I from you. I'd like to welcome you again to my new home and I hope you keep coming back.
I end all my posts with the phrase "Have a great day..." and that is truly from the heart...
Have a great day!
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